Celebrating Fourth of July this year is especially fraught after the recent Supreme Court rulings on abortion rights, gun control and environmental regulation. These decisions will have a dire impact on the lives of millions of Americans, leaving many in this country feeling scared and angry. Facing this new affront to our civil rights, coupled with the shocking revelations about the prior administration being uncovered on a daily basis, we turn once again to art to help us understand and think critically about the state of our country. To this end, we thought it important to showcase the work of Adrienne Sloane, who has been working on a new series incorporating puzzle pieces that reflects the uncertainty and absurdity of our current political climate. Culture Wars and United We Stand will be on view at 13FOREST through July 16.
Adrienne Sloane, Culture Wars, painted wood, cardboard, plastic, tin box
Culture Wars is a natural outgrowth of my custom puzzle series coupled with the political commentary of much of my work. Unfortunately, our increasingly polarized national political landscape seems less concerned with the good of the country and the rule of law, instead becoming an extremist strategic game dominated by false claims of a stolen 2020 election. Recent decisions by a right wing Supreme Court only add to the erosion of civic and civil responsibilities we have as citizens of these United States.
Adrienne Sloane, United We Stand, knit fiber, puzzle pieces, cardboard, plastic, magnets
United We Stand The country is riven in ways not seen since the Civil War. Two years of pandemic coupled with the increasing disastrous effects of climate change, make it hard to understand how the country will resolve these differences without dissolving into a river of blood. Working in puzzles along with fiber, my original medium, this piece is a natural evolution of my interest in challenging viewers by presenting interpretations of the current political landscape as I see it.