Congratulations to Wilhelm Neusser, whose new body of work will be featured in Field Trip, a solo exhibition at Galerie Knecht und Burster in Karlsruhe, Germany from September 15 to October 13, 2018. Watch Neusser give a tour of his studio and explain the new paintings, which depict his first American landscapes, in the video at right. Fortunately as he was preparing for the Germany show, Neusser made a few extra cranberry bog paintings for our P-town Pop-up, 13FOREST at 444 - see below.
Neusser's paintings currently on view in our P-town Pop-up, 8/29-9/11. (L-r: Nocturne/Moon (1804), Bog/PinkOrange (1822), Bog/Angelus (1820), all oil on linen)