Tanya Hayes Lee
Tanya Hayes Lee is a visual artist who works primarily in oil in a modern abstract impressionist style. Her paintings convey the sublime in nature and are visual metaphors for our relationships to the world and to each other. Lee studied studio art at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Scottsdale Artist School, and Northern Arizona University. Lee lives and works in Cambridge, and exhibits at the Rockport Art Association and Museum, Cambridge Art Association, and Fort Point Arts Community.
Lee draws inspiration from many historical painters including George Innes, J.M.W. Turner, John Constable, Helen Frankenthaler, Louise Nevelson and Alice Neel, as well as contemporary artists Douglas Fryer and Charlie Hunter, and many colleagues in and around Cambridge.
Color is the element that is unique to the visual realm, and painting is the medium I have chosen to integrate color into my world. Color as structure, form, meaning and the fundamental and exquisite ordering of the world in its own terms. The vibrancy and depth of oils is unparalleled in the history of Western art and fortunately it is a medium now easily accessible to anyone with the compulsion to depict the world as it appears to exist in our four dimensions and can be imagined to exist in many more.