Ted Ollier
Ted Ollier was born in the Midwest, lived in the South, and now resides in the Northeast. He has been a photographer, graphic designer, bass player, typographer, web pioneer, informational leaf blower and armchair philosopher. He has also worked a variety of day-jobs, the details of which are not terribly important.
Ollier holds degrees from the University of Texas, Texas State University and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. At present, he is a printmaker and conceptual artist working in the Boston community of Medford. Ollier teaches letterpress and printmaking through Reflex Letterpress, a printmaking and letterpress studio he owns in Charlestown, Massachusetts.
Ollier’s concerns are with data and its interaction with the consensus reality, and how that reality is affected and changed by that data. Oftentimes the simplest visual representation of a dataset is enough to engage the viewer in ways far beyond the naïve reading of that information. Although the didactic element of information transfer is always present in his work, his true focus is on revelation and enlightenment, and the joy of finding a previously-unnoticed detail in the landscape of life.
He lives with a patent attorney, a silly goose, a chow mix and a red tabby.